FABO |中国数制工坊的“BIO Builder|生物智造”实验室 – 2019年春季系列讲座(工作坊) -第二趴报名啦!!

FABO |中国数制工坊的“BIO Builder|生物智造”实验室 – 2019年春季系列讲座(工作坊) 开始了。


2019 Spring Lecture and Workshop series at Bio Builder Lab of FABO , College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University have been held recently. The second open night of biology will be held on Monday, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. , March 18th, 2019 at the Angry Bird Plaza, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. This time the topic focuses on The Art and Design of Sustainable Science (Hypothesis and Experiment Talk Series) and bioinformatics and how to design a new family.

Biology is becoming increasingly digitized.  This is not just about how we are represented, but how the future of life is made and evolved.  The next lecture workshop in Erik Zepka’s series The Art of Sustainable Science, will approach just this topic.  As part of FablabO & Biobuildlab’s Open Nights, we will be joined by two international artists:  Julian Stadon, an Australian-British researcher who explores augmentation aesthetics as a way of creating biodigitally convergent systems and Roland van Dierendonck, a Dutch open scientist and artist-innovator working on projects between DNA data storage, algorithmic lab semiotics and biotic games.  Explore how software is an integral tool in today’s biological research, and discuss Dierendonck and Stadon’s hybrid projects that probe the permutations biology will take in a world bound for technological growth.  The biodigital future is here – it’s up to you whether you want to take an active part.

生物学的数字化程度日益加深。这不仅仅影响了我们外在的表现形式,更关乎未来生命的出现和演变。即将与大家见面的新一轮工坊将会涵盖这一主题 – 由Erik Zepka 老师主讲的“可持续科学艺术”系列讲座。此次工坊是“数制”工坊(FablabO)&生物“智造”工坊(Biobuildlab)公开夜系列论坛(Open Nights)之一,届时,两大国际艺术家将作为演讲嘉宾前来助阵,他们分别是澳裔英国研究员Julian Stadon – 他研究的领域是将增强美学作为创建生物数字汇聚系统的一种方式,荷兰开放科学家兼创新艺术家Roland van Dierendonck – 从事DNA数据存储、算法实验室符号学和生物游戏方面的项目。两位老师将带领着大家探索软件在当今生物学研究中的重要工具作用,并探讨他们研究的排列生物学方面的混合项目。在两位大师的引领下,我们将踏上科技的列车,更好地了解这个技术不断进步的世界。在这里,你将接触到生物数字化的未来。是否要积极参与,决定权在你手中。

Julian Stadon 

Julian Stadon is an Australian artist/designer/curator/researcher/educator. He is also the director of marart.org. Previously, he was Programme Leader of Digital Media Design at The University of Hertfordshire, Subject Leader in Innovative Media at London College of Fashion and Senior Lecture of Interface and Interaction Design at FH Salzburg. He is currently a Steering Committee member for the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Previously, Stadon founded and directed Dorkbot Perth.  Originally studying Marine Biology, then Fine Arts and a Master of Electronic Art, Stadon’s current PhD research focuses on how art can better our understandings of identity, augmentation aesthetics, the relationship between bodies, embodied data and data bodies in the Anthropocene.

Julian Stadon是一名澳大利亚艺术家/设计师/策展人/研究员/教育家。同时他还是混合与增强现实研究机构(marart.org)的主管。他曾担任英国赫特福德大学(The University of Hertfordshire)数字媒体艺术设计专业(Digital Media Design)的课程负责人、伦敦时尚学院(London College of Fashion)创新媒体专业(Innovative Media)的学科带头人以及奥地利萨尔茨堡高等专业学院(FH Salzburg)界面与交互设计专业(Interface and Interaction Design)的高级讲师。现在他已是国际混合和增强现实研讨会(International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality)指导委员会的成员之一。Stadon还曾创立并管理Dorkbot Perth工作室。Stadon最初研究的是海洋生物学,后来研究美术并成为了电子艺术专家,目前博士在读,重点研究方向:艺术是如何让我们更好地理解人类起源时期的身份认同、增强美学、以及物体本身、呈现出来的数据和数据本体之间的关系。

Roland van Dierendonck

Roland van Dierendonck is a Dutch artist/ designer/ biologist/ technologist/ researcher/ illustrator/ educator. He is currently Lead of the Biohack Academy at Waag’s Open Wetlab. Previously he helped set up the Biolab at the University of the Arts Utrecht. Originally studying Beta-gamma (interdisciplinary sciences) with Biology and then Media Technology in Amsterdam and Leiden. Throughout personal projects and various collaborations, Roland’s research focused on drawing robots (Emerging Traces), para-fiction of authenticity (Paling Funk), human-biotic interaction (biotic games), bringing together algae and human cells (Strange Encounters), DNA data storage and genetic editing (Return to Dilmun), human and algorithmic meaning making in a biolab (Semiotics of the Lab), and food as a medium for communicating interdependencies in nature (Ecosystematic Lunch). He published about the weight of the dodo bird, and lately on Mould Rush, together with Raphael Kim.

Roland van Dierendonck是一名荷兰艺术家/设计师/生物学家/技术专家/研究员/插图画家/教育家。他目前担任荷兰开放设计组织Waag协会开放湿实验室(open wetlab)中生物黑客学院(Biohack Academy)的主管。他曾参与创立了荷兰乌得勒支艺术大学(University of the Arts Utrecht)生物实验室。Roland最初研究的是生物学的交叉学科(β-γ), 后来在阿姆斯特丹大学和莱登大学学习媒体技术。在Roland所有的个人项目与合作项目中,他的重点研究领域始终是绘画机器人(Emerging Traces)、真实性超小说(Paling Funk)、人类-生物互动(生物游戏)、海藻与人类细胞的结合(Strange Encounters)、DNA数据存储和基因编辑(Return to Dilmun)、生物试验室的人类和算法意义建构(Semiotics of the Lab)以及食物是自然界传达相互依赖关系的媒介(Ecosystematic Lunch)。他曾发表过有关渡渡鸟重量(dodo bird)的文章,不久前还有Raphael Kim共同发表了有关Mould Rush的文章。





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