“FABO Playground|中国数制乐园-可持续绿能家居系统”在上海市市光学校/同济附属学校(嘉定)-课程回顾(1)

FABO Playground是中国第一个Fablab实验室-Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊实验室下,专门针对K12(小学到初高中)青少年创客教育和实验室设置的核心模块。FABO Playgorund创客课程继承美国麻省理工大学(MIT)的媒体实验室(Media Lab)和同济大学“数制工坊”实验室(FAB Lab)的核心教学理念和价值观,以“物体|Objects” + “电路|Circuts” + “编程|Coding” 三大模块为基础,以“设计思维|Design Thinking” 为贯穿,融合“科技,艺术,生物”等横向知识的递进式教育方案。该课程强调“做中学|Learning by Doing”, 将传统学科知识和创新思维相结合;培养发掘学生主动性思维,独立创新能力为目标;鼓励记录,开源交流,创新呈现的过程式教育模式;开创了“互联网+”、“人工智能”的新时代下个性化教育系统。

中国”数制”工坊FABO基于美国麻省理工的Bio-buildlab生物课程基础开发的创新版“FABO Playground 生物发电 ” 是一个适合中国中学,大学生的数字制造、快速成型、生物发电、可循环系统的核心课程。本课程基于麻省理工学院的Bio-buildlab生物课程,由同济大学FABO实验室的团队来研发的简约版本,也是踏入未来到达MIT学习完整的Bio-buildlab课程的基石。

在这里,学生将会学习到如何把微弱的生物电流通过科学创意的方式来搭建一套属于自己的智能家居系统,实现居家环境的可循环的过程。课程将让学生深入学习数字化制造、快速成型技术、电路设计、可持续循环系统。学生将会学习如下“数制”工具的使用和“数制”工作流程:3D打印机、水泥浇模 、基本的电子设计、微生物燃料电池以及基本的智能家居系统设计。

本学期,FABO Playground在上海市市光学校,同济附属学校(嘉定)的课程已经进行到了最后的阶段,让我们一起共睹学生的学习的过程。

在本学期的课程里,同学们完成了对“物体-Object”和“电路-Electronics”和“编程-Programming”三块知识的学习,了解了基础模具的制作原理,并设计和3D打印出苔藓培养花盆的模具。通过使用FABO Playground的传感器套材,理解了基础的传感器和不同功能的高级传感机的工作原理。










Fablab O Palyground|中国数制乐园课程研发中心核的心成员。曾是世界头脑奥林创新大赛的队员、教练员、裁判员。连续5年带领队伍在中国全决赛获得第一名。多次带领中国队代队伍在世界决赛中获得金、银、铜牌。 


Fablab O|中国“数制”工坊课程开发导师,全球FABAcademy毕业生,同济大学设计创意学院,研究助理,曾任职于北京马岩松设计事务所;经典创客项目:“地书”机器人和“能发电的苔藓”。

文字:张如烜 王诗瑶
图片 / 编辑:  王诗瑶

[How to Become a Vegetable]FABO & BIO lab– 2019年春季系列讲座 -第三趴报名啦!!

2019 Spring Lecture and Workshop series at Bio Builder Lab of FABO , College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University have been held recently. The second open night of biology will be held on Thursday, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. , April 11th, 2019 at the Angry Bird Plaza, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. This time the topic focuses on The Art and Design of Sustainable Science (Hypothesis and Experiment Talk Series) and How to Become a Vegetable.

Our human history is a history of niches of technologies that abstract from and interact with the vegetative world surrounding us.  In an age where sustainable questions have grown into pressing public issues, how we engage with our floral cousins becomes tantamount.  As part of the Art of Sustainable Science, Erik Zepka will introduce the mutualistic relationship between humans and plants and how technology can be involved.  Subsequently we will be joined by Spela Petric, a Slovenian artist specializing in the social and scientific problems around plants and ourselves, who will present a series of her works instantiated from Ars Electronica to the Waag Society.  Get introduced to the techniques of Plant Science and learn about how art science projects can envision that – sustainability depends on how much you’re willing to become a vegetable. 

Špela Petrič 

Špela Petrič is a Slovenian new media artist and scientific researcher based in Amsterdam, NL.  She received a PhD in Biomedicine at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and an Advanced Master in Arts from LUCA, Brussels, Belgium.  She is a member of Hackteria and winner of the Bio Art & Design award.  Her work has been shown at many exhibitions around the world Kapelica Gallery (SI), Touch Me Festival (HR), Pixxelpoint (IT), European Conference on Artificial Life (IT), Playaround (TW), Harvard (US), Ars Electronica (AT), National Center for Biological Sciences (IN), HAIP (SI), Arscope (DE), Mutamorphosis (CZ) and Galleries de la Reine (BE)



FABO |中国数制工坊的“BIO Builder|生物智造”实验室 – 2019年春季系列讲座(工作坊) -第二趴报名啦!!

FABO |中国数制工坊的“BIO Builder|生物智造”实验室 – 2019年春季系列讲座(工作坊) 开始了。


2019 Spring Lecture and Workshop series at Bio Builder Lab of FABO , College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University have been held recently. The second open night of biology will be held on Monday, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. , March 18th, 2019 at the Angry Bird Plaza, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. This time the topic focuses on The Art and Design of Sustainable Science (Hypothesis and Experiment Talk Series) and bioinformatics and how to design a new family.

Biology is becoming increasingly digitized.  This is not just about how we are represented, but how the future of life is made and evolved.  The next lecture workshop in Erik Zepka’s series The Art of Sustainable Science, will approach just this topic.  As part of FablabO & Biobuildlab’s Open Nights, we will be joined by two international artists:  Julian Stadon, an Australian-British researcher who explores augmentation aesthetics as a way of creating biodigitally convergent systems and Roland van Dierendonck, a Dutch open scientist and artist-innovator working on projects between DNA data storage, algorithmic lab semiotics and biotic games.  Explore how software is an integral tool in today’s biological research, and discuss Dierendonck and Stadon’s hybrid projects that probe the permutations biology will take in a world bound for technological growth.  The biodigital future is here – it’s up to you whether you want to take an active part.

生物学的数字化程度日益加深。这不仅仅影响了我们外在的表现形式,更关乎未来生命的出现和演变。即将与大家见面的新一轮工坊将会涵盖这一主题 – 由Erik Zepka 老师主讲的“可持续科学艺术”系列讲座。此次工坊是“数制”工坊(FablabO)&生物“智造”工坊(Biobuildlab)公开夜系列论坛(Open Nights)之一,届时,两大国际艺术家将作为演讲嘉宾前来助阵,他们分别是澳裔英国研究员Julian Stadon – 他研究的领域是将增强美学作为创建生物数字汇聚系统的一种方式,荷兰开放科学家兼创新艺术家Roland van Dierendonck – 从事DNA数据存储、算法实验室符号学和生物游戏方面的项目。两位老师将带领着大家探索软件在当今生物学研究中的重要工具作用,并探讨他们研究的排列生物学方面的混合项目。在两位大师的引领下,我们将踏上科技的列车,更好地了解这个技术不断进步的世界。在这里,你将接触到生物数字化的未来。是否要积极参与,决定权在你手中。

Julian Stadon 

Julian Stadon is an Australian artist/designer/curator/researcher/educator. He is also the director of marart.org. Previously, he was Programme Leader of Digital Media Design at The University of Hertfordshire, Subject Leader in Innovative Media at London College of Fashion and Senior Lecture of Interface and Interaction Design at FH Salzburg. He is currently a Steering Committee member for the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Previously, Stadon founded and directed Dorkbot Perth.  Originally studying Marine Biology, then Fine Arts and a Master of Electronic Art, Stadon’s current PhD research focuses on how art can better our understandings of identity, augmentation aesthetics, the relationship between bodies, embodied data and data bodies in the Anthropocene.

Julian Stadon是一名澳大利亚艺术家/设计师/策展人/研究员/教育家。同时他还是混合与增强现实研究机构(marart.org)的主管。他曾担任英国赫特福德大学(The University of Hertfordshire)数字媒体艺术设计专业(Digital Media Design)的课程负责人、伦敦时尚学院(London College of Fashion)创新媒体专业(Innovative Media)的学科带头人以及奥地利萨尔茨堡高等专业学院(FH Salzburg)界面与交互设计专业(Interface and Interaction Design)的高级讲师。现在他已是国际混合和增强现实研讨会(International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality)指导委员会的成员之一。Stadon还曾创立并管理Dorkbot Perth工作室。Stadon最初研究的是海洋生物学,后来研究美术并成为了电子艺术专家,目前博士在读,重点研究方向:艺术是如何让我们更好地理解人类起源时期的身份认同、增强美学、以及物体本身、呈现出来的数据和数据本体之间的关系。

Roland van Dierendonck

Roland van Dierendonck is a Dutch artist/ designer/ biologist/ technologist/ researcher/ illustrator/ educator. He is currently Lead of the Biohack Academy at Waag’s Open Wetlab. Previously he helped set up the Biolab at the University of the Arts Utrecht. Originally studying Beta-gamma (interdisciplinary sciences) with Biology and then Media Technology in Amsterdam and Leiden. Throughout personal projects and various collaborations, Roland’s research focused on drawing robots (Emerging Traces), para-fiction of authenticity (Paling Funk), human-biotic interaction (biotic games), bringing together algae and human cells (Strange Encounters), DNA data storage and genetic editing (Return to Dilmun), human and algorithmic meaning making in a biolab (Semiotics of the Lab), and food as a medium for communicating interdependencies in nature (Ecosystematic Lunch). He published about the weight of the dodo bird, and lately on Mould Rush, together with Raphael Kim.

Roland van Dierendonck是一名荷兰艺术家/设计师/生物学家/技术专家/研究员/插图画家/教育家。他目前担任荷兰开放设计组织Waag协会开放湿实验室(open wetlab)中生物黑客学院(Biohack Academy)的主管。他曾参与创立了荷兰乌得勒支艺术大学(University of the Arts Utrecht)生物实验室。Roland最初研究的是生物学的交叉学科(β-γ), 后来在阿姆斯特丹大学和莱登大学学习媒体技术。在Roland所有的个人项目与合作项目中,他的重点研究领域始终是绘画机器人(Emerging Traces)、真实性超小说(Paling Funk)、人类-生物互动(生物游戏)、海藻与人类细胞的结合(Strange Encounters)、DNA数据存储和基因编辑(Return to Dilmun)、生物试验室的人类和算法意义建构(Semiotics of the Lab)以及食物是自然界传达相互依赖关系的媒介(Ecosystematic Lunch)。他曾发表过有关渡渡鸟重量(dodo bird)的文章,不久前还有Raphael Kim共同发表了有关Mould Rush的文章。




FABO |中国数制工坊的“BIO Builder|生物智造”实验室 – 2019年春季系列讲座(工作坊) -第一趴报名啦!!

FABO |中国数制工坊的“BIO Builder|生物智造”实验室 – 2019年春季系列讲座(工作坊) 开始了。


2019 Spring Lecture and Workshop series at Bio Builder Lab of FABO , College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University have been held recently. The first open night of biology will be held on Monday, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. , March 18th, 2019 at the Angry Bird Plaza, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University. This time the topic focuses on The Art and Design of Sustainable Science (Hypothesis and Experiment Talk Series) and Open Medical Methodologies. The above content is the advance notice of our open night, please look forward to more information later. 

Industry and commerce propel us from a scientific worldview to one of technical modules and formal applications.  The state of our knowledge over time has slowly receded into this immediate space of creation without empirical content.  Citizen science and medicine work to restore this: an ecological foundation in both the before and after of invention become intrinsic to a more robust view of knowing.  Join Tongji Design and Innovation and FablabO’s Biobuildlab for Erik Zepka’s series on the future of sustainable scientific approaches and their global reach.  Michelle Lewis-King will be presenting on her practice engaging as an artist-scientist with interdisciplinary medical methodologies, from China’s traditional medicine to contemporary techniques.  Participate in the movement taking accessible and practical ideas and joining them with global scientific needs.

在工商业的推动下,我们的科学世界观已经发展成为众多技术模块开发和正式应用的一部分。随着时间的推移,我们的认知状态已经慢慢退回到即时创造的状态,而不是通过经验性的知识再进行创作,而公众科学和医学工作的出现便是来修复这一状态:既发明前后的生态学基础是获得全局性认知的本质所在。快来参加同济大学的设计和发明课程吧,加入中国“数制”工坊Fablab O的生物“智造”工坊,就可以跟着Erik Zepka老师学习关于可持续科学方法的未来发展及其全球影响力方面的系列课程啦。Michelle Lewis-King将以艺术家兼科学家的身份进行现场演说,讲解她在跨学科医疗方法上的实践,内容将从中国的传统医学讲到现代技术。快来加入活动吧,你可以学到既容易理解又有实用性的观点,还能与大师们畅谈全球科技需求。


7:00pm: Opening Remarks


7:15-7:40pm: Michelle Lewis-King Introduction

晚上7:15至7:40:Michelle Lewis-King 的介绍

7:40-9:00pm: Demo Workshop: Creating a Topical Medicine


Michelle Lewis-King is a creative researcher investigating the cultural interfaces between art, medicine and technology.  She holds a PhD in Art, Science and Technology from Cambridge School of Art/Anglia Ruskin University and an MA in Sculpture from Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London.  Her creative practice reflects her diverse training in fields from art, performance, and traditional Chinese medicine to sound coding, clinical practice and institutional biology.  She has exhibited internationally, including shows for Digital Futures at the V&A Museum in London UK, “Experimental Notations” at The Royal Nonesuch Gallery in Oakland CA, “Artist’s Games” at Spike Island Ireland, and “Rencontres Internationales” at various locations in Paris, Madrid and Berlin.  She is the recipient of the research fellowship in Digital Performance by the Cultures of the Digital Economy Research Institute at Anglia Ruskin University.

Michelle Lewis-King 是一位创造性研究员,专注研究艺术、医学和科技之间的文化链接。Michelle 拥有剑桥艺术学院/安格利亚鲁斯金大学的博士学位以及伦敦艺术大学切尔西艺术学院雕塑专业的硕士学位。她的创新实践来自于各领域接受过的多样化培训,包括艺术、表演、中医、声音编码、临床实践、法理生物学等。举办过的国际性展览有:英国伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的数字未来展,美国加州奥克兰市皇家南萨奇美术馆的“实验符号”展,爱尔兰斯派克岛的“艺术家的游戏”展,以及巴黎、马德里和柏林的多个地方举办的马德里国际影像艺术节。她曾获得安格利亚鲁斯金大学数字经济研究院的数字表演研究奖学金。

Erik Zepka is a scientist and artist interested opening the paradigm of empirical research.  Through education, publication and exhibition he explores methods by which our knowledge can be made more robust and experimental.   As a scientist his research ranges from Immunology and Pathology to Environmental Health and Chemistry.  He helped found both XOX Labs and the Open Science Network.  As a writer he appears in Furtherfield, VIVO Press, Publication Studio and Free Dogma Press while as an educator he has taught at global universities like University of British Columbia, New Jersey Institute of Technology and the University of Arts London.  His global universities has been exhibited around the world, from Nabi Museum (Seoul, Korea), Humlab (Umea, Sweden), and the Tate Modern (London, UK), to CultureHub (New York City, USA) and the IT Inkubator (Regensburg, Germany). 

Erik Zepka 是一位主张扩大经验研究范例的科学家和艺术家。Eric通过教育,出版和展览的模式探讨了可以使我们获得经过验证知识的方法。作为一名科学家,他的研究领域贯穿免疫学、病理学以及环境健康学、化学等等。他协助创建了XOX实验室和开放科学网络。作为一名作家,他出现在多个出版物上,包括 Furtherfield、VIVO Press、Publication Studio和Free Dogma Press的多家出版社,而作为一名教育家,他任教于英属哥伦比亚大学、新泽西理工学院和伦敦艺术大学等全球各地的大学。他的作品也在世界各地展出,包括韩国首尔的那比艺术中心,瑞典于默奥的Humlab艺术学院,英国伦敦的和泰特现代美术馆,美国纽约的CultureHub艺术机构和德国雷根斯堡的IT Inkubator。


The above content is the advance notice of our open night, please look forward to more information later. 

The Art and Design of Sustainable Science Event Series

TCM and Open Medicine (Michelle/Extraction)

Silk Worm Farming (Vivian/Growth)

Performance Art and West African Gastronomy (Poku/Analysis)

Domestic Hydroculture (Kalimov/Growth)

Insect Taxidermy (Guo/Analysis)

Bioliterature (Fran/Fabrication)

Animal Bioenergy (Extraction)

Technoetic Design Approaches (John/Fabrication)


International Guest Speakers:

Spela Petric
Julian Stadon
Gunther Seyfried
Marta de Menezes
Roland Dierendock
Georg Tremmel
Marta de Menezes
Yasmin Jaidin
Henry Tan
Adeline Seah
(Karolyn, Nay, Bhavna, Promon…)

Biobuildlab @ Tongji FablabO Space
生物“智造”工坊@同济大学Fablab O中国“数制”工坊

This space is a basic open laboratory space, that combines common biosafety 1 methods with the advantage of being connected with a fully-equipped Fablab.  This is a flexible space that can be reconfigured according to needs and is best suited for simple DIY projects. 

这是一个基础性的开放实验空间,按照通用的一级生物安全要求建成,与设备齐全的Fablab “数制”工坊相连接,具有独特优势。这是一个灵活的空间,可根据需求进行重新配置,是简易DIY项目的最佳选择。

Similar to a kitchen, it has basic temperature control (Fridge, Freezer, Heating Elements) and a variety of storage and measurement means and consumables for experimentation.


  • Some of the things you can do in the space:

Biomaterial Experimentatio

Demos of Biological Principles 
DIYbio Building Projects   
Basic Growth, Breeding and Investigation 

  • 在工坊内你可以做的一些事情:


  • Lab Equipment for: 

Biomaterial Exploration (Common Reagents and Protocols)
Measurement (Cups, Electronic Device, Scale)
Common Temperatures Control (-4/-20/-80 Storage, Thermal Cycler, Incubator)
Fablab Collaboration (full Fabacademy Level Space connected)

  • 实验室设备可用于:


BioBuilder Lab @ ShanghaiTech University

This space will be equipped with all the basics that a university laboratory has, with a focus on bioengineering and creation.  Fields like genetics and biochemistry are the focus to create a space where students can learn college level molecular biology and combine it with collaboration and invention. 


A professional level lab means being able to work on a microscopic scale, with precise controls on sterility, measurement and temperature. 


  • Some of the things you can do in the space:

Genetic engineering of Plants, Yeast, Bacteria and Other Organisms
Identification, Concentration and Extraction of Molecules of Interest
Invention and Generation of Laboratory Strains
Professional Level Citizen Science: Environmental, Health and Food Testing with possibility for Publication-worthy results

  • 你可以在实验室做的实验:


  • Lab Equipment for:

Precision Measurement (Pipettes, Scales)
Molecular Analysis (Gel Imager, Spectrophotometer, ELISA, Turbidity Metre)
Temperature Control (-4/-20/-80 Storage, Thermal Cycler, Incubator)
Sterility (Biosafety Cabinet, Water Purification System)

  • 实验室设备:





开启一段新的征程:上周六FABO Bio Build实验室成立了!

这可能将开启一段新的历史!在同济Fablab实验室成立3年之际,我们在 FABO基础上,开始筹备Bio Build Lab,实现从“制造万物”到“生长万物”的递进。纳米3d打印,生物合成,DNA工程等技术将是未来科技不可缺少的可持续的新途径, FABO Bio Build实验室将继续承载美国麻省理工大学和哈佛大学《Bio Academany》课程系统基础上,为创客开启开源生物技术和艺术设计,可穿戴等领域的跨界应用和创新合作。希望各界朋友,特别有生物,物理,化学,材料,生命….等各方学生,老师,创客加入我们的行列!我们的一期就将诞生在愤怒小鸟的集装箱中:)



19:00:晚上Open night FABO创始人丁俊峰新书发布Fablab创始人Neil Gershenfeld教授《Fab》中文译本《智造:一场新的数字革命》


20:40:介绍FabAcademy X课程。





1. 重新设计了龙门架和Z轴平台,提高打印机的可靠性
2. 打印尺寸比五代增加了22% (29.5cmx19.5cmx16.5cm)
3. 带高粘合力的柔性构建板,更好的打印粘合及更轻松清除
4. 打印平台出厂时即已调水平
5. 运行声音更轻
6. 彩色LCD显示
7. 8种语言可供选择(包括中文)
8. 连接方式: Wifi, 以太网, U盘和USB线
9. MakerBot PLA & MakerBot Tough PLA
10. 可以直接导入CAD源文件并直接打印(MakerBot Print)
11. 支持智能喷头和Tough PLA专用智能喷头。




▶本次开放夜从我们为将要成立的生物实验室(就是一个酷炫的改装集装箱)贴上设计新颖的Biolab LOGO开始~ ,接下来我们相关的生物创客的研究,空间布局,设备选型等工作将持续开展起来,欢迎生物界的创客,大咖来和我们一起分享;也继续招募相关志愿者!

▶ 参加开放夜的大家一起来合影~未来这里就是生物创客的小天地啦!一起见证历史!!

▶合影后我们回到Fablab,丁老师开始发布他翻译的Fablab创始人Neil Gershenfeld教授《Fab》中文译本《智造:一场新的数字革命》。

▶在当代互联网时代的条件下,创客和数字化智能制造在全球蔓延开来,中国这个制造业大国如何应运而上,创客也正由下而上地在中国像一把春火蔓延开来,势不可挡。Fablab在全球有了500多家,而且以每一年半的速度成倍递增。 那么究竟什么是创客时代的精髓,什么奠定了数字化制造的未来,如何把握数制时代带来的新技术对于时代的机会和挑战,伴随2016年FAB12全球会议将在深圳召开,Fablab也将在中国各地慢慢延展出来,此书中文版的出版的意义巨大。




▶最后丁老师详细介绍了2017年全球FabAcademy招生情况(19周长时间),FABO Shanghai作为上海唯一的对接全球课程的实验室,又将邀请一名外籍老师担任课程的辅导工作!他就是2015毕业生,意大利建筑师Saverio Sillid!


同时我们的FABO Academy X的简化课程(3周长时间,节假日周末或者全日制)也将在圣诞节隆重推出。

在“大众创新,万众创业”的时代,如何成功转型为这个社会未来最需要人才,如何在互联网的时代捞到最大的金矿?苦于没有智能硬件,编程或者设计的基础,苦于现在的大学没有实时的课程?要完成硬件作品(毕业设计,高质量作品集),实现创业(智能家具、智能可穿戴、虚拟现实……),找到好工作,那么请加入Fablab O | 中国“数制”工坊——中国第一个Fablab实验室,在中国开辟的MIT Fab Academy 并行前端课程FABO Academy X,将带您深入学习数字化制造及快速成型技术,课程时长3周
