2020 Global Fab Academy Enrollment|全球数制学术课程报名正式启动!

Fablab O in Tongji University with MIT Fablab and global Fablab Network will be a node in the 2020 Fab Academy course.

The Fab Academy Diploma is a 5-month part-time learning experience where students plan and execute a new project each week. At Fab Academy you will learn how to envision, prototype and document your ideas through many hours of hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools.

The Fab Diploma is the result of the sum of Fab Academy Certificates. Progress towards the diploma is evaluated by a student’s acquired skills rather than time or credits. The Fab Academy is a fast paced, hands-on learning experience where students plan and execute a new project each week. Each individual documents their progress for each project, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments.

Fab Academy is a distributed educational model providing a unique educational experience. Each Fab Lab that participates in the Fab Academy program is part of a global Fab Lab / Fab Academy network. These Fab Labs are Nodes that offer the Fab Academy program. Students view and participate in global lectures broadcasted every Wednesdays at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EST. The lectures are recorded and available to students throughout the semester. In addition to the lectures, there are 2/3 lab days each week where students have access the digital fabrication equipment and personal help with projects. Fab Academy faculty, who are leaders in their respective fields, provide global video lectures, supervise academic content, and guide research. Hands-on instruction in the labs is provided by instructors who supervise and evaluate Certificates, develop and disseminate instructional material, and assist with projects.

The Fab Academy Program is directed by Neil Gershenfeld, director of the Center for Bits and Atoms at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and globally coordinated by Fab Lab Barcelona team.

FABO will provide scholarship for the students that will successfully graduate and  with job offers in various locations of FABO schools and institutes.


Students of Fab Academy comes from various backgrounds: engineering, design or architecture, as well as biology, art, music, economics, management. No previous knowledge is required and every week a new subject will be introduced with a bottom-up approach.


The program will run for 19 weeks with a new subject introduced every wednesday: how to design for and use all the tools in the Fablab such as the laser cutter, the 3D printer and CNC machine; design, fabricate and program electronic devices, sensors, internet of the things (IoT) devices; make wearable objects, master techniques such as molding and casting and composites, create wooden furnitures and be able to document your work with an online portfolio learning how to code your own website with HTML and CSS.

  • 计算机辅助设计 / Computer aided design
  • 电脑控制切割 / Computer controlled cutting
  • 电子产品生产 / Electronics production
  • 3D扫描和打印 / 3D Scanning and printing
  • 电子设计 / Electronics design
  • 计算机控制加工 / Computer controlled machining
  • 嵌入式编程 / Embedded programming
  • 机械设计 / Mechanical design
  • 机器设计 / Machine design
  • 输入设备 / Input Devices
  • 成型和铸造 / Molding and Casting
  • 输出设备 / Output devices
  • 复合材料 / Composites
  • 网络和通信 / Networking and communications
  • 接口和应用程序编程 / Interface and application programming
  • 数字制造的应用和影响 / Applications and implications of digital fabrication
  • 发明,知识产权和收入 / Invention, intellectual property and income
  • 项目发展 / Project development


Fab Academy is internationally reknown to be the most complete course on digital fabrication, based on the popular “How to make almost anything” class from the MIT. You will experience how to work and think the Fablab way going from “I don’t know how to do it, so I will not do it” to “I don’t know how to do it, but I will find a way”.

它是怎样开始的呢? How did it start?

Fab学院是为了在Fab lab讲授动手能力而开发的,该实验室最初是麻省理工学院比特和原子中心的一个外展项目,现已发展成为一个全球超过500个实验室的网络。Fab学院的教学是基于麻省理工学院的流行快速成型课程,如何制作(几乎)任何东西而开始的,这都是由Neil Gershenfeld教授讲授的。

Fab Academy was developed to teach hands-on skills in fab labs, which began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, and has grown into a global network of more than 500 labs. Fab Academy instruction is based on MIT’s popular rapid-prototyping course How To Make (almost) Anything, both taught by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld.

它是如何工作的呢?  How does it work?

  • 该方案在1月中旬至6月下旬确立。
  • The program takes place from mid January to late June.
  • 每周,教授尼尔·格申菲尔德(Neil Gershenfeld)都会就话题进行全球性的演讲。
  • Every week, prof. Neil Gershenfeld holds a global lecture on a different topic.
  • 当地实验室的讲师提供有关该主题的动手实践活动,并提供实践相关知识帮助学生完成本周的作业。
  • nstructors in local labs provide hands-on activities on the topic, and offer their practical knowledge to  help students develop the week’s assignment.
  • 学生使用实验室材料,设备和机器完成作业,并会立即应用该课程中涵盖的所有概念。当然所有的材料相关费用都包含在学费中。
  • Students work on the assignment using lab materials, equipment and machines, immediately applying all the concepts covered in the global and local classes. All the materials are included in the tuition fees.
  • 学生在Fab Academy档案馆的个人博客中记录他们的进度。
  • Students document their progress in a personal blog hosted in the Fab Academy Archive.
  • 与每周作业相对应的是,学生们进行一个个人期末项目,该项目将整合他们在课程中所学到的所有技能。
  • In parallel to the weekly assignments, students work on a personal final project which will integrate mastery of all the skills learned during the course.
  • 完成所有单元和最终项目任务的学生将通过全球评估流程,获得Fab Academy文凭。
  • Students who complete all modules and final project go through a global evaluation process that leads to the Fab Academy Diploma.

我会学习使用什么机器? What machines will I learn to use?

  • 电脑控制的激光切割机,用于从2D零件压装3D装配。
  • A computer-controlled laser cutter, for press-fit assembly of 3D structures from 2D parts.
  • 大型(4’x8’)数控铣床,用于制造家具(更大)尺寸的零件。
  • A large (4’x8′) numerically-controlled milling machine, for making furniture (and larger) sized parts.
  • 一个塑料切割机,用于生产印刷口罩,柔性电路和天线。
  • A vinyl cutter, to produce printing masks, flexible circuits, and antennas.
  • 台式精密铣床(微米分辨率),用于制造三维模具和表面贴装电路板。
  • A desktop sized precision (micron resolution) milling machine to make three-dimensional molds and surface-mount circuit boards.
  • 3D扫描仪和3D打印机
  • A 3D Scanner and a 3D Printer

需要多少时间? How much time does it take?


The time commitment is about 16+ hours a week at minimum, but could be far greater if the student is highly motivated, does not possess the background for a particular unit (or units) or just wants to really throw themselves into the program.

是否有认证? Is there any accreditation?

在圆满完成“数字制作原理与应用”课程的学习后,由全球分布式评估委员会颁发“Fab Academy”文凭。个别证书也将发给成功完成个人主题的学生。

The Fab Academy Diploma will be issued by a distributed Global Evaluation Committee after satisfactorily completing the course of study in the Principles and Applications of Digital Fabrication. Individual certificates will also be issued for students successfully completing individual topics.

Fab lab会帮我找到一份工作吗? Will Fab Academy help me find a job?


Many Fab Academy graduates improved their career opportunities after taking the program. There’s high demand in the job market for talented digital fabrication experts and fab lab managers, but the knowledge offered by the course can be applied to any profession requiring rapid prototyping. Many graduates also started their own businesses offering locally produced design objects, toys, training services and consulting.

查询http://jobs.fabeconomy.com提供的机会,可以作为Fab Lab网络的工作的参考。

Take a look at the opportunities available at http://jobs.fabeconomy.com as a reference for jobs coming from the Fab Lab Network.


FABO will provide scholarship after students graduated from global classes with job offers in various locations of FABO schools and institutes.

招生对象 Target of enrollment 


Graduates, college students, careers who want to change their careers and explore new possibilities in digital manufacturing, outstanding graduates will have the opportunity to refer to our labs involved in co-founding:

 上海科技大学fablab实验室 / Fablab of Shanghai Tech University

同济黄浦设计创意中学 / Tongji Huangpu Design Creative Middle School 

苏州领科海外教育学校 / Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park 



设计师 — Pamela Martello 珠宝设计师



设计师 — Flavie 自由设计师,摄影师,独立出版人

Graphmics是一台可以播放碟片表面图像的唱碟机,是一个可以将图像转化为音乐的乐器。它接收手绘的图案作为输入,将它们转化为声音以后再输出。它可以让图像们发出它们自己的声音。这个项目受到了1960年代Oramics Machine的启发。这台机器采用一组光敏电阻来探测光线的变化作为输入传感器,一个慢速齿轮电机和电机驱动模块来控制碟片的旋转速度和方向。


设计师 — 思予 青年艺术家和自由职业者


它的核心由一组行星齿轮转动装置组成。借助步进电机发动中心齿轮的旋转,带动两边齿轮行星运转式的运动。 可通过电位器控制齿轮的旋转速度。运转物件的灵感来自于格子楼、玻璃窗和CMYK印刷色。物件和齿轮的部分是可插接的模块。可以根据投射需要,设计新的物件,像搭积木一样将模块插入齿轮中心的凹槽中。之所以将其称之为“变化”的投射机,是因为齿轮上的形体是千变万化的。如果运转的物体是圆形,那么它不是在运转的每一刻都是以圆形的图像投射在屏幕上。

此外,由于有机玻璃颜色的不同,当两个物件交错的时候会进行混色。视觉上,两个物件短暂地融为了一体。当颜色分离开的时候,观者会再度开始关注两个物体之间的距离感。 通过在Fab Academy学习期间生产的这件作品,思予希望今后能够有机会取下机器本身的有机玻璃屏幕,将投射的表面延伸至更宽阔的空间,与大体量的墙面及表演产生互动。


设计师 — Nick 金融与市场管理




Late January to early June 2020


Wednesday – ONLINE: 22:00 – 1:00 (Jan.-Mar.) / 21:00-00:00 (Mar.-Jun.) 

Thursday – OFFLINE: Afternoon (subject to adjustments)

 Teaching Language



No.281 Fuxin Road, Yangpu, Shanghai / Tongji University College of Design & Innovation

Tuition Fees

Fab Academy文凭费用为6000美元。

Fab Academy Diploma costs 6000 USD


Included in the costs:


•All the basic course materials

•Fab Academy档案库中的个人空间,可以终身使用和维护

•Personal space in Fab Academy Archive with lifetime access and maintenance

•实时访问Fab Academy视频会议系统(MCU)和教职员工

•Live access to the Fab Academy Video Conferencing system (MCU) and faculty


•Access to all recorded lectures and reviews


•Use of the lab equipment and facilities


•Free access to the Annual FAB conference and diploma award ceremony (graduated students only)


•Free software licenses for selected Autodesk and Solidworks software packages during the course

•终身成为Fab Academy校友组的成员

•Lifetime membership to the Fab Academy Alumni group


Saverio Silli 13524015379 / saveriosilli@icloud.com / fablab@126.com

Application Form



Deadline for submission of application is December 25, 2019

Please note that the program will run only if the minimum number of students is reached. Applying students will be informed in advance if the number is not reached.

FABO | 中国“数制”工坊2020学年双语STEAM课程招生了!


The world is witnessing digitization and has been changing rapidly. People summarize these unseen changes in human history with “Exponential Change”, “Augmented Thinking” and “The Coming Singularity ”. We will usher in an era of technological-innovation, and artificial intelligence will be integrated into the society and people’s lives. What kind of capabilities are needed to adapt to these new changes?


Education in farming society is by word of mouth and by text in the modern industrial age. What is the educational mode of artificial intelligence era? It is digital education and creativity education! The work for people in the future to do will include more creativity. Therefore cultivating creativity is the primary and paramount goal of education for children.


In FABO, there are domestic and overseas academic mentors accompanying the children throughout the whole course, teaching them the way of learning and letting them experience the cutting-edge technology. The slogan “Learning by Doing, Learning by Playing” involves brainstorming and hands-on practice, which will lay a solid foundation for kids’ mindset and interests in mathematics, physics and computer science.







可穿戴I : 酷炫小英雄 Wearable I: Becoming my Hero(ine)


Heroes are keepers of the peace through all people of the world. They are superheroes that will choose to protect one SDG they prefer.

通过为期一学期的传统技法与未来可穿戴数制科技的学习,你将制作与你心中的英雄所匹配的可穿戴。你将会学习将激光切割,真空成型,软电路等数制技术与布面版画、翻模以及模块化服装设计结合,设计与制作英雄可穿戴的各个部分。你还会为自己的设计制作包装,并对外进行展示,向着设计师 的道路前进。

This class focuses on both traditional techniques and technologies to create personalized wearable pieces. All the equipment taught are easily accessible at the Fab Lab. History and methods of printmaking, molding and casting and textile design will be covered along with fabrication techniques including laser cutting and engraving, vinyl cutting, vacuum-formed mold making and resin casting. Soft circuit principles and methods will be introduced

上课时间: 周六 13:00-15:00 Class time: 13:00-15:00 on Saturday

招生对象:3-5年级 Enrollment target :grade 3-5


  • 人体比例意识:培养对人体比例的意识,并能够将数据数字化,制作与人体匹配的设计
    DESIGN WITH A WARENESS OF THE HUMAN BODY: understand and digitize the human body
  • 设计流程:在设计过程中,借助设计思维的视角制作个性化可穿戴DESIGN PROCESS: apply design thinking to create personalized products
  • 设计的生产:将多个技法与数制科技进行结合,进行可穿戴制作PRODUCTIONPROCESS: work with combined fabrication techniques
  • 电子元件和编程:学习LED电路和导电材料的应用ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS AND PROGRAMMING: understand LED circuits and conductive materials
  • 包装设计:了解可穿戴作为产品的呈现PACKAGING DESIGN: understand how to finish a product
  • 展示:向公众清晰准确地介绍制作过程和结果PRESENTATION: present production process and outcome clearly and accurately to the public with a Keynote presentation


 探索神奇地球 Explore the wondering Earth


his course is to explore our planet from an observer’s perspective, to take a close look at the living condition of animals and plants, to feel the invisible nature forces, to understand the current pollution problems, and to think about how we can protect this wonderful planet and improve the living condition of beings. Focusing on these fields, students will build several short-term individual projects, and together a group art installation project toward the end of the course.


Students will have chance challenging the impossible perpetual motion machine, designing their own LED spinners base on the same principle; folding paper microscopes and observe micro-worlds; mixing light sensitive chemicals and making cyanotypes with sunlight; learning about plastic types and creating animal inflatables and lamps with plastic bags, etc.. The most recent digital fabrication skills will be introduced along the projects, including 2D computer drawing, laser cutting, 3d modeling and printing, and basic electronics. Students get to form a preliminary impression on subject including physics, chemistry, and biology, exercise their hands-on DIY skills, and improve creativity and artistic aesthetics. This course also trains students in soft skills such as presentation and teamwork.

上课时间 :周日 9:30-11:30 Class time : 9:30-11:30 on Sunday

招生对象 :1-3年级 Enrollment target : grade 1-3


  • 跨学科学习,了解物理、化学、生物领域里的部分基础知识Interdisciplinary learning: understand basic knowledge from physics, chemistry and biology
  • 设计、个性化和制造几个小的项目,培养创新思维Design, plan, personalize and fabricate several small projects, form creative thinking
  • 组合使用各种数字制造技术和工具Work with a combination of various fabrication techniques and digital tools
  • 掌握基础图形化编程软件使用方法,用简单输入输出设备实现互动learn to use basic programming software to realize interaction with simple input and output devices
  • 加入艺术的视角,提高动手制作能力Improve hands-on DIY skills with art perspective
  • 增强环境保护意识,且能通过项目表达自己的态度Develop awareness for environmental protection, and able to express attitudes through projects
  • 了解可持续发展目标,用设计思维改善现存问题Understand SDG (sustainable development goals), use design thinking to solve existing problems
  • 发展小组合作精神Develop teamwork spirit
  • 锻炼演讲技能Improve presentation skill



Through project-based learning, students can not only combine physics, chemistry, biology, digital manufacturing, art design, basic circuit and other related disciplines to integrate learning and application, but also cultivate the basic attitude of problem-solving.

工程知识点 \ Engineering Knowledge:

  • 重心量测\Center of gravity measurement
  • 平衡点量测\Balance point measurement
  • 能量转换\energy conversion
  • 三维空间\3D

电子学/编程知识点\ Electronics programming knowledge:

  • 基础电路设计\Basic circuit design
  • 图形化编程软件的基本功能\Basic function of programming software (mixly)
  • 输入及输出组件控制\Input and output component control
  • 编程逻辑设计\Programming logic design

美术知识点 \ Art Knowledge

  • 颜色搭配原则\Color matching principle
  • 构图原则\Composition principle

物理知识点\ Physics knowledge 

  • 能量转换\energy conversion
  • 基本力学\forces and mechanics
  • 三维空间\3D

数学知识点\ Math knowledge

  • 三维空间概念\3D concept
  • 结构角度计算\Structural angle calculation

生物知识点\ Biology knowledge

  •  观察及探索自然材料特性\Observe and explore the characteristics of natural materials
  • 学习显微镜原理和使用\learn to use microscope and its working principle

化学知识点\ Chemical Knowledge

  • 感光原理\Photosensitive principle
  • 观察溶液间混合后产生变化的效果\Observe the effect of change after mixing between solutions


仿生机械鱼 Bio-Inspired Robotic fish 


Advances in technology have made many impossible possible. For example, prosthetics allow people without feet or hands to stand up and live a convenient life again. The development of various functional robots has combined us with a lot of time. For example, agricultural robots replaced humans. Labor and logistics robots save the risk of cargo delivery. This course combines life observation and application, with bionic robot fish as the project-based learning goal, and guides students to learn about programming, two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, electronic circuits, sensors and other digital manufacturing through laser small cutting process, and digital manufacturing such as laser cutting. technology.

学生们将学习设计软件设计并利用数字制造设备例如镭射切割机和3D 打印机来制作机器鱼的外形和结构,使用伺服电机等输出设备做为机器鱼的推进装置。更进一步,学生需要学习编写程序,控制安装在机器鱼上的传感器让机器鱼能沿直线方向游动。

Students will build a robotic fish that will be designed using laser cutter and 3D printer, whereas the propulsion is applied using the output devices such as servo motor. To be more challenging student needs to program their robot to swim in straight direction by adding a sensor.

上课时间 : 周日 13:00-15:00 Class time: 13:00-15:00 on Sunday

招生对象 :5-8年级 Enrollment target : grade 5-8


  • 2D 设计\2D Design
  • 3D 设计\3D Design
  • 镭射切割\Laser Cutter
  • 3D 打印\3D Printer
  • 嵌入式编程技术\Embedded Programming
  • 电子电路\Electronics



Through project-based learning, students can not only integrate design, engineering, electronics, art, physics, mathematics and other related subjects, the basic attitude of team cooperation, communication, coordination and problem-solving can be cultivated through group learning.

工程知识点 \ Engineering Knowledge:

  • 结构分析与设计\Structural Analysis and design

电子学知识点\ Electronics knowledge:

  • 基础电路设计\Basic circuit design
  • 输入及输出组件控制\Input and output component control
  • 编程逻辑设计\Programming logic design

美术知识点 \ Art Knowledge

  • 颜色搭配原则\Color matching principle
  • 造型设计\Shape design

物理知识点\ Physics knowledge 

  • 浮力原理\Buoyancy principle
  • 流线形设计\Streamlined design
  • 流体力学\Fluid mechanics
  • 作用力与反作用力\Forces and reaction

数学知识点\ Math knowledge

  • 重心计算\Center of gravity calculation
  • 弧形设计及计算\Arc Design and calculation


物流天车 Arcade Crane Claw Machine


Technology has made the world strictly a global village. Most cargo freighters are transported all over the world. However, when the freighters are docked at the dock, how to efficiently move large containers becomes a big problem. At this time, the crane system plays an important role. Education is inseparable from life. This course combines life observation and application with the logistics crane system as the project-based learning goal. It guides students to learn about programming, 2D and 3D design, electronic circuits, sensors and other related knowledge through small-scale production of the crane. Digital manufacturing technology such as laser cutting.


Provides a practical hand on introduction to programming, 2D&3D Designs, electronic,sensors and actuators, digital fabrication and embedded programming. Develops an understanding of these capabilities through project using them individually and jointly to create a functional arcade crane claw machine.


Unless you are small enough to climb inside, grabbing a prize out a claw machine can be pretty tough.


But we are going to learn all the required skills and knowledge to build a claw machine.

上课时间 :周日 16:00-18:00 Class time : 16:00-18:00 on Sunday

招生对象 :3-5年级 Enrollment target : grade 3-5


  • 二维设计\2D Design
  • 三维设计\3D Design
  • 激光切割\Laser Cutter
  • 三维打印\3D Printer
  • 嵌入式编程\Embedded Programming
  • 电子电路技术\Electronics



Through project-based learning, students can not only integrate design, engineering, electronics, art, physics, mathematics and other related subjects, the basic attitude of team cooperation, communication, coordination and problem-solving can be cultivated through group learning.

工程知识点 \ Engineering Knowledge:

  • 结构搭建 : 天车结构之间的强度平衡、扣件选\Structure Construction: Strength Balance Between Crane structures and selection of fastenings

电子学知识点 \ Electronics knowledge:

  • 基础电路设计\Basic circuit design
  • 输入及输出组件控制\Input and output component control
  • 编程逻辑设计\Programming logic design

美术知识点 \ Art Knowledge :

  • 颜色搭配原则\Color matching principle

物理知识点 \ physics knowledge

  • 连杆原理\Connecting Rod principle

数学知识点 \ Math knowledge

  • 抓取角度计算\Calculation of grab angle
  • 天车尺寸计算\dimension of Crane



可穿戴1 : 酷炫小英雄:3-5年级




Enrollment Target:

Wearable 1: Becoming my Hero(ine):G3-G5

Explore the wondering Earth:G1-G3

Bio-Inspired Robotic fish:G5-G8

Arcade Crane Claw Machine:G3-G5


杨浦同济NICE校区 杨浦区四平路1028弄39号


Fabo Playground@Yangpu Dongji NICE2035


Students Enrollment: 15 Students


Class Weeks: 15  hours 


Weekly Class Hours:2 hours


Total Class Hours: 30 Hours


Language : English\ Chinese




 Scan the Qr code below  and fill in the registration information form